June 24

Today's reading: Isaiah 1:1-3:26
Today we begin a new reading plan that will take us through both the major and minor prophets of the Old Testament. The only think that distinguishes a "major" prophet from a "minor" prophet is the length of their writings. It has nothing to do with the importance of what they wrote.
God sent prophets to both the norther kingdom of Israel (10 tribes) and the southern kingdom of Judah (2 tribes). I really encourage you to watch the videos at the beginning of each book (some of the longer books have videos at the beginning of each section of the book). That will really help you understand the context of the book as you read.
One last comment: We will be reading some bigger chunks of Scripture during this plan. But I think that is actually very beneficial in helping us get a good feel for these prophecies. If you have questions or comments, please let me know.
Today's link:
Today we begin a new reading plan that will take us through both the major and minor prophets of the Old Testament. The only think that distinguishes a "major" prophet from a "minor" prophet is the length of their writings. It has nothing to do with the importance of what they wrote.
God sent prophets to both the norther kingdom of Israel (10 tribes) and the southern kingdom of Judah (2 tribes). I really encourage you to watch the videos at the beginning of each book (some of the longer books have videos at the beginning of each section of the book). That will really help you understand the context of the book as you read.
One last comment: We will be reading some bigger chunks of Scripture during this plan. But I think that is actually very beneficial in helping us get a good feel for these prophecies. If you have questions or comments, please let me know.
Today's link:
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