February 21

Final overview reflection on Mark
A big thanks to Loren Hawthorne for putting together the reading plan that has taken us through the gospel of Mark. Today we finish this reading plan, but don't quit reading your Bible. Starting tomorrow, we will be reading through the book of Job in conjunction with our new sermon series.
- What were the major themes in Jesus teaching?
- What charactized the way he interacted with people? Who did he rebuke, and who did he treat gently?
- What was Jesus like on earth? What stands out about his life and his character?
- What shows his love for the sinners that we all are?
A big thanks to Loren Hawthorne for putting together the reading plan that has taken us through the gospel of Mark. Today we finish this reading plan, but don't quit reading your Bible. Starting tomorrow, we will be reading through the book of Job in conjunction with our new sermon series.
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