March 25

Today's reading: Romans 1:1-32
For the next 12 weeks, we're going to be reading through Paul's letters, beginning with Romans. Each day there will be a link to the Bible Project reading plan. On some days there will be a video with some background information on each letter and I highly recommend that you watch those so that you'll have the context of each letter in mind as you read it.
I don't plan on posting a "devotional" each day although I may occasionally share some of my thoughts. Here is how I would suggest you approach the reading each day:
Today's link:
For the next 12 weeks, we're going to be reading through Paul's letters, beginning with Romans. Each day there will be a link to the Bible Project reading plan. On some days there will be a video with some background information on each letter and I highly recommend that you watch those so that you'll have the context of each letter in mind as you read it.
I don't plan on posting a "devotional" each day although I may occasionally share some of my thoughts. Here is how I would suggest you approach the reading each day:
- Pray and ask the Holy Spirit to guide you into truth as you read.
- As you read, ask "What does this passage teach me about God and HIs attributes and character."
- Then ask, "Is there something I need to do as a result of reading this passage today?" Perhaps some attribute of God will mean that you need to change your life to align with it. Perhaps there is some sin you need to confess and repent of. Perhaps God is calling you to serve Him in some way. Perhaps there is some person that God has brought into your life that you need to tell about Jesus.
Today's link:
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