This Sunday's message: The Song of Zechariah

January 2

Day 2
Mark 1:14-45
(the links will take you to all of chapter 1, you can just cover verses 14-45 today.)

ESV Video and text:
KJV Video and text:
Spanish Video and text:

NLT Text and audio:

Reflection questions:
  1. What is the kingdom of God that Jesus declares is at hand?
  2. What does it mean to repent? Ask God to show you anything that you need to repent of.
  3. When did Jesus call you to follow him? Are you daily pursuing that call?
  4. Why was it not arrogant for Jesus to teach as one who had authority?
  5. What do Jesus' actions in this passage show about his divine nature?
  6. What aspects of Jesus' life should we aim to emulate? Which might not be appropriate for us to try in the same way?
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