December 25

Today's Reading: Revelation 21:1-8
Merry Christmas!
Just as God came to dwell with us temporarily with the birth of Jesus, one day He will come to us again ad dwell permanently with those who have placed their faith in Jesus. Notice once again that we don't come to God based on our own efforts, He comes to us.
This ends our Bible reading plan for this year. But don't quit reading the Bible! Read some passages of your own choosing for the last week of the year. On January 1, we're going to begin a new reading plan that will take us through the gospel of Mark. We'll be providing you with some links to audio and video recordings that will enhance your understanding of Mark's gospel.
Merry Christmas!
Just as God came to dwell with us temporarily with the birth of Jesus, one day He will come to us again ad dwell permanently with those who have placed their faith in Jesus. Notice once again that we don't come to God based on our own efforts, He comes to us.
This ends our Bible reading plan for this year. But don't quit reading the Bible! Read some passages of your own choosing for the last week of the year. On January 1, we're going to begin a new reading plan that will take us through the gospel of Mark. We'll be providing you with some links to audio and video recordings that will enhance your understanding of Mark's gospel.
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