December 14

Today's Reading: Luke 1:46-56
This beautiful song of Mary is known as the Magnificat, which is Latin for "magnify". What is important to note here is that Mary magnifies God, and not herself. In spite of the fact that she has found favor with God and has received Elizabeth's blessing, she acknowledges that she is a sinner who needs a savior (see verse 47).
I think that Mary would be appalled at some religions who elevate her to the same, or at least nearly the same, status as Jesus. And they promote false teachings that claim she remained a perpetual virgin in spite of overwhelming Biblical evidence that she had other children. We would do well to learn from Mary's faith, but we also need to guard against making her to be more than she herself claimed - a servant of God.
This beautiful song of Mary is known as the Magnificat, which is Latin for "magnify". What is important to note here is that Mary magnifies God, and not herself. In spite of the fact that she has found favor with God and has received Elizabeth's blessing, she acknowledges that she is a sinner who needs a savior (see verse 47).
I think that Mary would be appalled at some religions who elevate her to the same, or at least nearly the same, status as Jesus. And they promote false teachings that claim she remained a perpetual virgin in spite of overwhelming Biblical evidence that she had other children. We would do well to learn from Mary's faith, but we also need to guard against making her to be more than she herself claimed - a servant of God.
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