December 11

Today's Reading: Luke 1:5-25
There is another miraculous birth that precedes the birth of Jesus. Zechariah and Elizabeth have been barren all their lives and are now beyond child-bearing years (some hints of Abraham and Sarah here). In that culture, not being able to have children was considered to be a curse, which we see clearly in verse 25.
But God was about to intervene supernaturally so that they would bear a son who would be the forerunner of the Messiah.
God is still in the business of working in our lives to take away any reproach. He may not do that in this lifetime, but we can be sure that one day He will fully vindicate those who have put their faith in Jesus.
There is another miraculous birth that precedes the birth of Jesus. Zechariah and Elizabeth have been barren all their lives and are now beyond child-bearing years (some hints of Abraham and Sarah here). In that culture, not being able to have children was considered to be a curse, which we see clearly in verse 25.
But God was about to intervene supernaturally so that they would bear a son who would be the forerunner of the Messiah.
God is still in the business of working in our lives to take away any reproach. He may not do that in this lifetime, but we can be sure that one day He will fully vindicate those who have put their faith in Jesus.
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