December 7

Today's Reading: Matthew 2:1-12
Even though the visit of the magi likely came about 2 years after the birth of Jesus, because it is traditionally associated with His birth, we're going to include this account in our reading plan.
There are a lot of traditions associated with these "wise men" that just aren't true. They were not kings, but rather kind of a cross between and astrologer and astronomer. That explains why they would have seen an unexpected star rise and then followed it. And we don't know how many of them there were - we only know that the noun is plural so there were at least two.
What is most amazing to me is that the Jewish religious leaders knew the prophecies concerning the birth of the Messiah, but they had no desire to go worship Him. On the other hand these pagan magi recognized that Jesus was worthy of their worship. May we all be like the magi in that regard.
Even though the visit of the magi likely came about 2 years after the birth of Jesus, because it is traditionally associated with His birth, we're going to include this account in our reading plan.
There are a lot of traditions associated with these "wise men" that just aren't true. They were not kings, but rather kind of a cross between and astrologer and astronomer. That explains why they would have seen an unexpected star rise and then followed it. And we don't know how many of them there were - we only know that the noun is plural so there were at least two.
What is most amazing to me is that the Jewish religious leaders knew the prophecies concerning the birth of the Messiah, but they had no desire to go worship Him. On the other hand these pagan magi recognized that Jesus was worthy of their worship. May we all be like the magi in that regard.
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