September 21
Today's Reading: Joel 2:1-32
We once again see that God is both a holy God and a God of grace and mercy. On the Day of the Lord He is going to pour out His wrath on the wicked. But before He does that, He is going to give people an opportunity to humble themselves before Him and receive mercy and grace.
I am amazed here at the extent of God's grace. He delights in restoring what we have lost due to our own unrighteousness. He doesn't do that begrudgingly because He is by nature a gracious God. But He is holy at the same time and therefore must bring judgment upon those who are not righteous. In our own strength we could never become righteous, but for those who put their faith in Jesus, God clothes them with the righteousness of His Son.
We once again see that God is both a holy God and a God of grace and mercy. On the Day of the Lord He is going to pour out His wrath on the wicked. But before He does that, He is going to give people an opportunity to humble themselves before Him and receive mercy and grace.
I am amazed here at the extent of God's grace. He delights in restoring what we have lost due to our own unrighteousness. He doesn't do that begrudgingly because He is by nature a gracious God. But He is holy at the same time and therefore must bring judgment upon those who are not righteous. In our own strength we could never become righteous, but for those who put their faith in Jesus, God clothes them with the righteousness of His Son.
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