September 12

Today's Reading: Acts 8:1-40
We're going to focus on the last part of the chapter, beginning in verse 26.
An Ethiopian official is traveling from Jerusalem to Gaza is reading from Isaiah 52-53, a passage that we read a couple weeks ago. There the prophet Isaiah describes the "suffering servant" who God is going to send to save His people from their sins.
Here God sends Philipp to this official to explain what he is reading. Phillip begins with that passage and then uses that and other Scriptures to show that Jesus is God's promised Messiah.
One of the things that we can learn from this passage is that we can help others know about Jesus by starting wherever they are at and then using the Bible to show that salvation is through Jesus alone. That means that we should work to know the Bible well enough to be able to use it to lead others to faith in Jesus. If you don't feel like you can do that right now, let me know. I'd love to help you develop that understanding.
We're going to focus on the last part of the chapter, beginning in verse 26.
An Ethiopian official is traveling from Jerusalem to Gaza is reading from Isaiah 52-53, a passage that we read a couple weeks ago. There the prophet Isaiah describes the "suffering servant" who God is going to send to save His people from their sins.
Here God sends Philipp to this official to explain what he is reading. Phillip begins with that passage and then uses that and other Scriptures to show that Jesus is God's promised Messiah.
One of the things that we can learn from this passage is that we can help others know about Jesus by starting wherever they are at and then using the Bible to show that salvation is through Jesus alone. That means that we should work to know the Bible well enough to be able to use it to lead others to faith in Jesus. If you don't feel like you can do that right now, let me know. I'd love to help you develop that understanding.
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