September 8

Today's Reading: Romans 15:1-33
Beginning in verse 9, Paul cites a number of Old Testament passages to show that it was always God's intent to save both Jews and Gentiles through faith in the promised Messiah, Jesus. Included in those citations is Isaiah 11:10, which we read a couple weeks ago.
Since most of us are not Jewish, this is certainly great news for us. So take some time today to thank God for including you in His plan of salvation. Thank Him for planning from before creation to provide a way for you to be made righteous before God.
Beginning in verse 9, Paul cites a number of Old Testament passages to show that it was always God's intent to save both Jews and Gentiles through faith in the promised Messiah, Jesus. Included in those citations is Isaiah 11:10, which we read a couple weeks ago.
Since most of us are not Jewish, this is certainly great news for us. So take some time today to thank God for including you in His plan of salvation. Thank Him for planning from before creation to provide a way for you to be made righteous before God.
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