September 4

Today's Reading: Zechariah 9:1-17
Like Haggai, Zechariah ministered among a small community of Jews who had returned to Jerusalem after being exiled in Babylon. Zechariah encouraged the leaders of Jerusalem and called the Jewish people to rebuild the temple. But his prophecies also look forward to a time when God will judge Israel's enemies and save His people.
Verses 9-10 announce the return of a king to Zion who takes his place to rule over a now-pacified world. Once again this prophecy has both a near and far term fulfilment. It is fulfilled first as Jesus rides into Jerusalem on a donkey only a few days before His crucifixion. But the final fulfillment awaits His second coming. We can be assured that one day Jesus will rule over a physical kingdom in which God's people will experience complete peace.
Like Haggai, Zechariah ministered among a small community of Jews who had returned to Jerusalem after being exiled in Babylon. Zechariah encouraged the leaders of Jerusalem and called the Jewish people to rebuild the temple. But his prophecies also look forward to a time when God will judge Israel's enemies and save His people.
Verses 9-10 announce the return of a king to Zion who takes his place to rule over a now-pacified world. Once again this prophecy has both a near and far term fulfilment. It is fulfilled first as Jesus rides into Jerusalem on a donkey only a few days before His crucifixion. But the final fulfillment awaits His second coming. We can be assured that one day Jesus will rule over a physical kingdom in which God's people will experience complete peace.
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