August 22

Today's Reading: Haggai 1:1-15
We saw reference to the prophet Haggai back in Ezra chapter 5.
Under the direction of Zerubbabel and Joshua the Jews who had returned from exile began to rebuild the Temple in Jerusalem around 537 BC. But after some opposition they became discouraged and stopped that work and turned instead to rebuilding their own homes. Haggai's ministry began roughly 17 years later and exhorted the people to finish the rebuilding of the Temple rather than focusing entirely on their own needs.
We learn here that when we are greedy and seek only to meet our own needs and desires and we are not generous toward God, we often wonder why we are never satisfied. If there is a lack of contentment in your life, it may very well be a wakeup call for you to evaluate whether you are putting your own desires ahead of the things of God.
We saw reference to the prophet Haggai back in Ezra chapter 5.
Under the direction of Zerubbabel and Joshua the Jews who had returned from exile began to rebuild the Temple in Jerusalem around 537 BC. But after some opposition they became discouraged and stopped that work and turned instead to rebuilding their own homes. Haggai's ministry began roughly 17 years later and exhorted the people to finish the rebuilding of the Temple rather than focusing entirely on their own needs.
We learn here that when we are greedy and seek only to meet our own needs and desires and we are not generous toward God, we often wonder why we are never satisfied. If there is a lack of contentment in your life, it may very well be a wakeup call for you to evaluate whether you are putting your own desires ahead of the things of God.
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