August 17

Today's Reading: Ezra 6:1-22
I love this chapter! God uses the letter sent by those opposed to the rebuilding of the Temple and turns it around on those who wrote it. Instead of stopping the construction, those who opposed it were actually required to help instead.
Once again we see God's sovereignty at work. He can use even those who oppose Him and rebel against Him to help accomplish His will here on earth. And even when He doesn't do that right now, we know that ultimately God is going to make everything right and vindicate His people. That is why we can have hope regardless of our circumstances.
I love this chapter! God uses the letter sent by those opposed to the rebuilding of the Temple and turns it around on those who wrote it. Instead of stopping the construction, those who opposed it were actually required to help instead.
Once again we see God's sovereignty at work. He can use even those who oppose Him and rebel against Him to help accomplish His will here on earth. And even when He doesn't do that right now, we know that ultimately God is going to make everything right and vindicate His people. That is why we can have hope regardless of our circumstances.
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