August 15

Today's Reading: Ezra 4:1-24
Verses 1-5 record the response of the inhabitants of Judah to the efforts to rebuild the Temple. Many of those people had been born in the land during the Babylonian captivity and were afraid of losing their land and their influence.
Verses 6-24 are a "parenthesis" in this account. By knowing the times of the reigns of the various kings mentioned in this passage, we can determine that the events described in that section occur 50-80 years after the events recorded in the first part of the chapter.
The theme that is woven throughout the chapter is quite relevant to us today. People who are not disciples of Jesus are going to oppose God's people, especially when their power, influence or fleshly desires might be threatened. Jesus made that very clear during His earthly ministry. Although it may be very difficult, it is possible to live a godly life in the midst of our culture with the help of Jesus and other fellow disciples.
Verses 1-5 record the response of the inhabitants of Judah to the efforts to rebuild the Temple. Many of those people had been born in the land during the Babylonian captivity and were afraid of losing their land and their influence.
Verses 6-24 are a "parenthesis" in this account. By knowing the times of the reigns of the various kings mentioned in this passage, we can determine that the events described in that section occur 50-80 years after the events recorded in the first part of the chapter.
The theme that is woven throughout the chapter is quite relevant to us today. People who are not disciples of Jesus are going to oppose God's people, especially when their power, influence or fleshly desires might be threatened. Jesus made that very clear during His earthly ministry. Although it may be very difficult, it is possible to live a godly life in the midst of our culture with the help of Jesus and other fellow disciples.
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