August 11

Today's Reading: Ezra 2:1-70
To us, this chapter might seem long and boring. But for the book's original audience, it was important because they could trace their lineage back to these "heroes" who had taken the first steps toward rebuilding the nation of Judah. I'm sure most of you took a calculator and added up all the number of the various groups and came up with a total of 29,818. which is 12,542 less than the number given in verse 64 - 42,360. Perhaps that is because the first numbers didn't include women and children, or it may be that not all the family groups were listed individually.
The thing that I take away from this chapter is the bravery of the people. They had no idea what they would find when they returned to their homeland, but they went back anyway because of their zeal for the Lord. Is there something that God is calling you to do that you've shied away from because of uncertainty? Will you trust God to do that today?
To us, this chapter might seem long and boring. But for the book's original audience, it was important because they could trace their lineage back to these "heroes" who had taken the first steps toward rebuilding the nation of Judah. I'm sure most of you took a calculator and added up all the number of the various groups and came up with a total of 29,818. which is 12,542 less than the number given in verse 64 - 42,360. Perhaps that is because the first numbers didn't include women and children, or it may be that not all the family groups were listed individually.
The thing that I take away from this chapter is the bravery of the people. They had no idea what they would find when they returned to their homeland, but they went back anyway because of their zeal for the Lord. Is there something that God is calling you to do that you've shied away from because of uncertainty? Will you trust God to do that today?
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