August 10

Today's Reading: Ezra 1:1-11
Today we begin a new section in our reading plan. Though the Northern Kingdom of Israel is never fully restored (rather, repopulated with Samaritans), the Southern Kingdom of Judah is released under Persian rule to rebuild the temple. But things are never quite the same.
The people returned to Judah and Jerusalem in four groups:
The first six chapters of Ezra record events that occurred before Ezra's ministry. The book begins with Cyrus’ proclamation allowing the Israelites to return to Jerusalem and rebuild the temple (compare 2 Chr 36:22–23). Unlike Nebuchadnezzar, Cyrus acknowledges the Lord and not only allows the exiles to return to Jerusalem, but even provides materials for the rebuilding of the temple.
Today we begin a new section in our reading plan. Though the Northern Kingdom of Israel is never fully restored (rather, repopulated with Samaritans), the Southern Kingdom of Judah is released under Persian rule to rebuild the temple. But things are never quite the same.
The people returned to Judah and Jerusalem in four groups:
- Sheshbazzar is made Governor of Judah by King Cyrus in 537BC. He is given the treasures taken from the Temple in Jerusalem and returns to Judah with the first group of exiles.
- King Cyrus dies in 530BC and is succeeded by his son Cambyses. He gives permission for Zerubbabel, a descendant of King David and an ancestor of Jesus Christ, and Joshua, a Jewish priest, to lead a second group home in 525BC. Under their leadership the Temple is rebuilt.
- The third migration was led by Ezra the scribe in 458 BC. Under his leadership, the Word of God was preached and proper worship was restored.
- The fourth migration was led by Nehemiah in 444 BC. Under his leadership the city walls were rebuilt.
The first six chapters of Ezra record events that occurred before Ezra's ministry. The book begins with Cyrus’ proclamation allowing the Israelites to return to Jerusalem and rebuild the temple (compare 2 Chr 36:22–23). Unlike Nebuchadnezzar, Cyrus acknowledges the Lord and not only allows the exiles to return to Jerusalem, but even provides materials for the rebuilding of the temple.
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