August 9

Today's Reading: Hebrews 10:1-39
There is a sense in which the times that we live in today are similar to the time of the Babylonian exile for Judah. As we await the return of Jesus, we do sometimes suffer. But like the people of Judah, we can persevere during this time by living by faith.
But unlike the exiles we have even more reason for faith and hope because we are on the other side of the death and resurrection of Jesus. We can be sure that Jesus will return one day, just as He promised. And when He does, He will make all things right. It is that hope - that confident expectation - that makes it possible to have peace and joy even in the midst of hard times and persecution. Take some time to meditate on that today.
There is a sense in which the times that we live in today are similar to the time of the Babylonian exile for Judah. As we await the return of Jesus, we do sometimes suffer. But like the people of Judah, we can persevere during this time by living by faith.
But unlike the exiles we have even more reason for faith and hope because we are on the other side of the death and resurrection of Jesus. We can be sure that Jesus will return one day, just as He promised. And when He does, He will make all things right. It is that hope - that confident expectation - that makes it possible to have peace and joy even in the midst of hard times and persecution. Take some time to meditate on that today.
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