August 7

Today's Reading: Daniel 9:1-27
By this time, Daniel has been in Babylon for nearly 70 years, so he is probably in his mid to late 80’s. He has lived long enough to see the fulfillment of a portion of Nebuchadnezzar’s dream in chapter 2 and his vision in chapter 7 as control of Babylon has now passed to the Medes and Persians, under the leadership of Darius.
Daniel, who as we’ve seen frequently is devoted to God’s Word, is reading the words of Jeremiah the prophet that indicate that the Babylonian captivity is about to end. So he prays to God. The prayer in verses 1-19 is one that we could certainly pray for our country today.
In response to his prayer, Daniel receives a vision from God. That vision which begins in verse 24 is undoubtedly the most important of all Old Testament prophecies when it comes to establishing God’s time frame for carrying out His plan for His people and initiating His eternal kingdom. In this devotional I don't have the time or space to even scratch the surface of what the vision means. But if you'd like to dig deeper, see my sermon from several (okay 13) years ago:
By this time, Daniel has been in Babylon for nearly 70 years, so he is probably in his mid to late 80’s. He has lived long enough to see the fulfillment of a portion of Nebuchadnezzar’s dream in chapter 2 and his vision in chapter 7 as control of Babylon has now passed to the Medes and Persians, under the leadership of Darius.
Daniel, who as we’ve seen frequently is devoted to God’s Word, is reading the words of Jeremiah the prophet that indicate that the Babylonian captivity is about to end. So he prays to God. The prayer in verses 1-19 is one that we could certainly pray for our country today.
In response to his prayer, Daniel receives a vision from God. That vision which begins in verse 24 is undoubtedly the most important of all Old Testament prophecies when it comes to establishing God’s time frame for carrying out His plan for His people and initiating His eternal kingdom. In this devotional I don't have the time or space to even scratch the surface of what the vision means. But if you'd like to dig deeper, see my sermon from several (okay 13) years ago:
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