August 4

Today's reading: Daniel 2:1-49
The prophecies included in the book of Daniel, including Nebuchadnezzar's dream in this chapter have always amazed me because of their accuracy in setting out the course of history, including the coming of Jesus, the Messiah. Here in this chapter, He is pictured as stone who will destroy all other kingdoms and establish a kingdom that will never be destroyed.
That kingdom was brought into existence with the earthly ministry of Jesus and those who place their faith in Him can be part of the kingdom right now. But at the present, it is a spiritual, not a physical, kingdom. But one day Jesus is going to return and bring this prophecy to its final fulfillment and establish a physical kingdom.
The prophecies included in the book of Daniel, including Nebuchadnezzar's dream in this chapter have always amazed me because of their accuracy in setting out the course of history, including the coming of Jesus, the Messiah. Here in this chapter, He is pictured as stone who will destroy all other kingdoms and establish a kingdom that will never be destroyed.
That kingdom was brought into existence with the earthly ministry of Jesus and those who place their faith in Him can be part of the kingdom right now. But at the present, it is a spiritual, not a physical, kingdom. But one day Jesus is going to return and bring this prophecy to its final fulfillment and establish a physical kingdom.
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