August 2

Today's Reading: Habakkuk 2:1-20
From the Faithlife Study Bible:
"The book of Habakkuk examines injustice from the experience of a righteous person crying out to God for a remedy. God responds to the prophet: Be patient, observant, and steady in your faith, for my judgment will happen at the appointed time. God’s response allows Habakkuk to rejoice in God’s saving power—even while struggling with a question that every generation asks: Why is evil allowed to thrive? The answer is profound yet difficult: Trust God because He is both powerful and just."
After his two complaints in chapter 1, God now answers Habakkuk. God reminds Habakkuk that He is in control and at the proper time - the time He determines - He will punish the Babylonians. In the meantime, God's people are to live by faith and trust that He will carry out that judgment when He is ready to do that.
That is a message that is certainly relevant for us today. As we live in a world full of depravity, we need to stay close to God and trust that He will make things right in HIs own way and in His own time.
From the Faithlife Study Bible:
"The book of Habakkuk examines injustice from the experience of a righteous person crying out to God for a remedy. God responds to the prophet: Be patient, observant, and steady in your faith, for my judgment will happen at the appointed time. God’s response allows Habakkuk to rejoice in God’s saving power—even while struggling with a question that every generation asks: Why is evil allowed to thrive? The answer is profound yet difficult: Trust God because He is both powerful and just."
After his two complaints in chapter 1, God now answers Habakkuk. God reminds Habakkuk that He is in control and at the proper time - the time He determines - He will punish the Babylonians. In the meantime, God's people are to live by faith and trust that He will carry out that judgment when He is ready to do that.
That is a message that is certainly relevant for us today. As we live in a world full of depravity, we need to stay close to God and trust that He will make things right in HIs own way and in His own time.
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