August 1

Today's Reading: Jeremiah 25:1-38
We clearly see God's sovereignty in action here. Because His own people have been unfaithful, God is going to use the evil nation of Babylon to discipline them by taking them into captivity for 70 years. That reminds us that God can use whatever and whoever He wants to accomplish His purposes - even an evil nation.
But Babylon, and all the other nations who have opposed God's people throughout history are not going to escape God's judgment. At the end of the 70 year captivity, the Babylonians will be conquered by the Medes and Persians. And eventually all the nations who have been hostile to God and HIs people will be judged severely.
While God's actions may seem harsh to us, they actually ought to encourage us by reminding us that He is 100% in control and that one day, He is going to vindicate His people and judge their enemies.
We clearly see God's sovereignty in action here. Because His own people have been unfaithful, God is going to use the evil nation of Babylon to discipline them by taking them into captivity for 70 years. That reminds us that God can use whatever and whoever He wants to accomplish His purposes - even an evil nation.
But Babylon, and all the other nations who have opposed God's people throughout history are not going to escape God's judgment. At the end of the 70 year captivity, the Babylonians will be conquered by the Medes and Persians. And eventually all the nations who have been hostile to God and HIs people will be judged severely.
While God's actions may seem harsh to us, they actually ought to encourage us by reminding us that He is 100% in control and that one day, He is going to vindicate His people and judge their enemies.
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