This Sunday's message: The Song of Zechariah

July 13

Today's Reading: Isaiah 7:1-25

Chronologically, the events here take place before the fall of Israel that we read about yesterday. The king of Syria and the king of Israel join forces to attack Judah, the southern kingdom. And Ahaz, the king of Judah is understandably afraid. Ultimately the attack is unsuccessful, but it greatly weakens Judah (see 2 Kings 16).

The most notable part of this passage is the prophecy that begins in verse 14. Like many prophecies, this one has both a near term and future fulfillment. For Ahaz, the near term fulfillment was most likely that a young woman (the word translated "virgin" can also be translated young woman) in the royal household conceived and had a son and before he would eat solid food, Syria and Israel would be defeated.

The future fulfillment was the birth of Jesus, who was born to a virgin. In his gospel account, Matthew quotes verse 14 (Matthew 1:23).
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