July 11

Today's Reading: Luke 4:1-44
Today we'll wrap up this section of our reading plan by focusing on just a portion of this chapter that relates to what we have been reading in the Old Testament.
In verses 25 and 26, Jesus uses the example of Elijah to explain why the people in His hometown of Nazareth were going to reject His ministry. Although there were many needy widows in Israel during Elijah's ministry, God sent him to Zarephath, which was located north of Israel to minister to a specific widow there.
The people of Nazareth had watched Jesus grow up and up to this point they hadn't really seen anything in His life that would lead them to believe He was the Messiah. So when He began His earthly ministry, the people rejected that ministry.
Let's make sure we don't make the same mistake and judge people only on what we can see and conclude that God couldn't use them.
Today we'll wrap up this section of our reading plan by focusing on just a portion of this chapter that relates to what we have been reading in the Old Testament.
In verses 25 and 26, Jesus uses the example of Elijah to explain why the people in His hometown of Nazareth were going to reject His ministry. Although there were many needy widows in Israel during Elijah's ministry, God sent him to Zarephath, which was located north of Israel to minister to a specific widow there.
The people of Nazareth had watched Jesus grow up and up to this point they hadn't really seen anything in His life that would lead them to believe He was the Messiah. So when He began His earthly ministry, the people rejected that ministry.
Let's make sure we don't make the same mistake and judge people only on what we can see and conclude that God couldn't use them.
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