July 5

Today's Reading: 1 Kings 20:1-43
Even though the Israelites are outnumbered greatly by the Syrian army, they miraculously defeat them twice, just as God promised. However, King Ahab refused to obey God fully and he showed mercy to the king of Syria, even though God had commanded him not to do so. As a result of his disobedience, Ahab was sentenced to die.
Fortunately, God does not kill us every time we disobey Him. However, that does not mean that disobedience has no consequences. If there is an area of your life where you've disobeyed God, confess that to Him today and then take whatever action is necessary to make sure that sin doesn't become a lifestyle.
Even though the Israelites are outnumbered greatly by the Syrian army, they miraculously defeat them twice, just as God promised. However, King Ahab refused to obey God fully and he showed mercy to the king of Syria, even though God had commanded him not to do so. As a result of his disobedience, Ahab was sentenced to die.
Fortunately, God does not kill us every time we disobey Him. However, that does not mean that disobedience has no consequences. If there is an area of your life where you've disobeyed God, confess that to Him today and then take whatever action is necessary to make sure that sin doesn't become a lifestyle.
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