May 8

Today's Reading: Acts 13:1-52
When Paul and Barnabas arrived at Antioch they went to the synagogue and used the Old Testament Scriptures to recount the history of Israel, including the period of the judges that we have been reading about. They revealed how that was all part of God's plan to bring salvation to all people through His Son, Jesus. And the people who heard the word begged them to come back the next Sabbath.
But the Jewish religious leaders, likely fearing that they might lose their authority over the people contradicted their teaching and tried to turn the people against Paul and Barnabas. But the Gentiles rejoiced that they, too, could share in that great salvation. Today, most of us are Gentiles who also get to receive that gift. Take some time today to thank God for saving you.
When Paul and Barnabas arrived at Antioch they went to the synagogue and used the Old Testament Scriptures to recount the history of Israel, including the period of the judges that we have been reading about. They revealed how that was all part of God's plan to bring salvation to all people through His Son, Jesus. And the people who heard the word begged them to come back the next Sabbath.
But the Jewish religious leaders, likely fearing that they might lose their authority over the people contradicted their teaching and tried to turn the people against Paul and Barnabas. But the Gentiles rejoiced that they, too, could share in that great salvation. Today, most of us are Gentiles who also get to receive that gift. Take some time today to thank God for saving you.
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