May 2

Today's Reading: Judges 13:1-25
For the next few days we'll be reading the account of Samson, who is undoubtedly the most well known of all the judges of Israel.
Here in this chapter we have an appearance of "the angel of the Lord". Most Bible scholars believe, and I agree, that when that phrase is used in the Old Testament it is "Christophany", or pre-incarnate appearance of Jesus. (Note: This is only the case when the definite article -"the" - is present.) In this case Manoah and his wife (who is unnamed) recognize that they have indeed seen God. That realization leads to worship that is characterized by awe and reverence - just as we saw in the message from Hebrews on Sunday.
Do you approach God with reverence and awe? If not, how can you develop that attitude?
For the next few days we'll be reading the account of Samson, who is undoubtedly the most well known of all the judges of Israel.
Here in this chapter we have an appearance of "the angel of the Lord". Most Bible scholars believe, and I agree, that when that phrase is used in the Old Testament it is "Christophany", or pre-incarnate appearance of Jesus. (Note: This is only the case when the definite article -"the" - is present.) In this case Manoah and his wife (who is unnamed) recognize that they have indeed seen God. That realization leads to worship that is characterized by awe and reverence - just as we saw in the message from Hebrews on Sunday.
Do you approach God with reverence and awe? If not, how can you develop that attitude?
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