April 26

Today's Reading: Joshua 1:1-18
Moses has died and God appoints Joshua to take his place. God commands Joshua to be "strong and courageous" three times in this passage. But God only gives that command after He has promised to be with Joshua and never leave him or forsake him. God also instructs Joshua that the way he will be prosperous and successful is to continually meditate on the law with the intent of doing what was written there (verse 8).
I think that verse 8 is one of the most important verses we can memorize in the Bible. It is a crucial reminder that success, as measured by God and not by the world's standards, is only possible when we consistently "meditate" on God's Word. The Hebrew word translated "mediate" may also be translated as 'growl' (see Isa. 31:4). There it is used to describe the sound a lion makes before digging into its prey. God has told Joshua to feed on His word with the same passion as a hungry lion feasting on a fresh kill.
Do you "feast" on the Bible like that? If not, what practical steps can you take in your life today to make that a reality in your life?
Moses has died and God appoints Joshua to take his place. God commands Joshua to be "strong and courageous" three times in this passage. But God only gives that command after He has promised to be with Joshua and never leave him or forsake him. God also instructs Joshua that the way he will be prosperous and successful is to continually meditate on the law with the intent of doing what was written there (verse 8).
I think that verse 8 is one of the most important verses we can memorize in the Bible. It is a crucial reminder that success, as measured by God and not by the world's standards, is only possible when we consistently "meditate" on God's Word. The Hebrew word translated "mediate" may also be translated as 'growl' (see Isa. 31:4). There it is used to describe the sound a lion makes before digging into its prey. God has told Joshua to feed on His word with the same passion as a hungry lion feasting on a fresh kill.
Do you "feast" on the Bible like that? If not, what practical steps can you take in your life today to make that a reality in your life?
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