This Sunday's message: The Song of Zechariah

February 24

Today's reading: Exodus 3:1-22

Today we embark on a new section of our reading plan - the Exodus from Egypt. Hopefully the passages we'll be reading for the next few days will be familiar since we've been covering them in our current sermon series. The exodus from captivity in Egypt is the central redemptive work in the Old Testament. All Old Testament theology flows from it and it is an important picture of the redemption that Jesus brings in the New Testament.

Here God reveals that He is going to free His people from slavery in Egypt, just as He had promised Abraham hundreds of years earlier. And He also tells Moses that he is the one God has chosen to lead that exodus. Moses seems to understand that he is one of the least likely people to have that role so he is quite reluctant to do what God has called him to do.

We are prone to do the same thing in our lives. But we need to understand that when God calls us, He will equip us with everything we need to do what He is asking? Is there anything in your life that God has been calling you to do that you have been reluctant to do? Confess that to God today, commit to do what He is calling you to do and then allow Him to equip you.

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