January 26

Today's Reading: Genesis 12:1-20
Today we move into the third section of this year's reading plan - God's covenant promise to Abraham. This covenant is foundational to God's plan to save HIs people from their sins.
The first thing to note is that God initiates His plan. He doesn't wait for Abram to come to Him - He goes to Abram. God promises to make Abram into a great nation that He will bless. But, and this is what most of the Jews failed to see, God was going to bless that nation so that they could be a blessing to all the nations, not just for their own good.
We already see Abram's faith here. Even though God has not yet revealed where He is going to send him, Abram obeys God and takes his family and belongings and went where God directed him. But we also see here that his faith is incomplete. Instead of trusting God to protect him, he lies about Sarai and claims she is his sister when they go to Egypt to find food.
Most of the fear in our lives is due to the fact that we don't really trust God completely. Is there any area of your life where you are fearful because you don't really trust God? Will you give that to Him today and ask Him to help you trust Him completely?
Today we move into the third section of this year's reading plan - God's covenant promise to Abraham. This covenant is foundational to God's plan to save HIs people from their sins.
The first thing to note is that God initiates His plan. He doesn't wait for Abram to come to Him - He goes to Abram. God promises to make Abram into a great nation that He will bless. But, and this is what most of the Jews failed to see, God was going to bless that nation so that they could be a blessing to all the nations, not just for their own good.
We already see Abram's faith here. Even though God has not yet revealed where He is going to send him, Abram obeys God and takes his family and belongings and went where God directed him. But we also see here that his faith is incomplete. Instead of trusting God to protect him, he lies about Sarai and claims she is his sister when they go to Egypt to find food.
Most of the fear in our lives is due to the fact that we don't really trust God completely. Is there any area of your life where you are fearful because you don't really trust God? Will you give that to Him today and ask Him to help you trust Him completely?
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