This Sunday's message: The Song of Zechariah

January 19

Today's reading: Psalm 51:1-19

Other than Psalm 23, this may be David's best known Psalm, which he writes after his sin with Bathsheba is exposed by Nathan the prophet. In this short devotional, we can't possibly develop all the important principles we find here, but here are a few of the key ones:
  • All sin is sin against God (v.4). Even when our sin seems to only harm other people, it causes God to morn.
  • We are all born with sin natures (v. 5). This is one reason that none of us can live a sinless life. While some inexplicably would argue with this idea, all you have to do is to look at a newborn baby to understand that no one has to teach us how to sin because it is part of our nature.
  • When we sin, we need God's mercy (v.1). Our sin deserves judgment and death, But thankfully God's mercy is abundant for those who cry out to Him like David did.
  • When we sin, God is looking for a change of heart, not some external action (vs. 16-17). This is one reason the Old Testament sacrificial system was always inadequate. It was intended to point ahead to Jesus, who is the only permanent solution to our sin.
  • When God forgives our sin, He wants us to tell others (vs. 14-15).

Is there any sin in your life that you need to confess to God today?
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