This Sunday's message: The Song of Zechariah

January 12

Today's Reading: Genesis 3:1-24

Today we move into the second section of our reading plan. In this section we will be reading about the fall, original sin and judgment.

In today's passage we see how sin separates man from God. Not only did Adam and Eve hide from God after they sinned, but their sin brought judgment into the world. Just as God had said, Adam and Eve would now die, although, because of God's mercy, that judgment didn't occur immediately. One of the important distinguishing elements of a biblical worldview is the doctrine of the original fall of Adam into sin. It is the "problem" for which the rest of Scripture provides the "solution".

We also see God's grace and mercy here. Verse 15 is the first prophecy in the Bible about Jesus and it even includes a hint of the virgin birth ("her offspring"). We also see God provide a "covering" for their sin, which required the killing of an animal. This foreshadows both the Levitical sacrificial system, which could only provide a temporary covering for sin, as well as the ultimate, permanent, one-time sacrifice of Jesus on the cross.

Take some time today to think about the seriousness of your sin and what it cost God to cover and forgive that sin.
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