This Sunday's message: The Song of Zechariah

January 11

Todays Reading: Hebrews 1:1-14

We'll return to the book of Hebrews later this year on Sunday mornings, but hopefully you remember that the purpose of the book is to show the superiority of Jesus over everything and everyone else.

Here the author reminds us that Jesus is God's final and most complete revelation of Himself because He is the "exact imprint" of God's nature. Once again we see that Jesus is the Creator, who was present at, and involved in, God's creation as part of the triune God. The author also quotes from the Old Testament as proof that Jesus is 100% God and superior to the angels.

Today we wrap up our first section of this year's reading plan and my prayer for you is that the eight chapters we've looked at will confirm in your heart just how much God loves you and how valuable you are to Him.
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