This Sunday's message: The Song of Zechariah

December 29

Today’s Reading: Luke 2:30-32; Psalm 98:1-3; Isaiah 52:7-10; 1 Timothy 2:5-7
These are such wonderful words that we could celebrate all year long, “for my eyes have seen your salvation.” We should thank God daily for our salvation. We should worship Him daily for rescuing us from the penalty of sin. While Simeon had the advantage of literally holding the Savior in his hands, so his cry of praise was easier, we too must find that joy and passion to have that same reaction, because this gift is immeasurable. It is more valuable than any amount of money or possessions. It is priceless and worthy of our praise. Take some time today to thank God for your salvation, and if you’re blessed enough to have a family that is saved, thank Him for that too! Then, pray for someone who doesn’t know the Lord, and who is unable to speak these words.
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